+20 Hero XP on hiring on empire (Hired at lvl 1). 80% Ownership loss per System captured by opponent on Empire. +100% Ownership gain per System on Empire. The faction can instantly teleport a Fleet from one system to another system that is under their influence, if both systems have built these quantum apertures. Once constructed, the Portal consumes all remaining Movement Points, it requires at least one Movement Point. In recent times, one Vaulter clan, the Zolyas, rediscovered the location of Auriga and sought to make it their new homeworld after being evicted from a tundra planet by pirates.

Their attempts to colonize elsewhere have only had brief success, and the notion of a permanent base has gained an almost mythical status. Once based on the planet Auriga, they left the planet when their predictions indicated potentially cataclysmic geo-atmospheric problems. The Vaulters have an old tradition of appointing female leaders, and their trust in this tradition has been confirmed by the faction's uncanny ability to escape, survive, and live to fight another day. The two games share several design choices, such as non-linear tech trees and a unit system that consists of upgrading a few basic designs. In several ways, Endless Legend feels like the game Civilization: Beyond Earth wanted to be. Though characterized as restless wanderers, they are in fact a proud and adaptable race, seeking a system that they can finally call 'home.' Their centuries of travel and tinkering have made them skilled at both science and warfare, though their greatest military strength is in defense. Now THIS is how you make a memorable faction: Endless Legend’s Vaulters.

An ancient faction, the Vaulters have suffered a number of major setbacks in trying to establish a permanent home for themselves.